Version + Story Mode Progress

Hiii y'all! I've made a lot of little changes that have ripple effects, so I released a new build :) 

A lot of the work I've been doing recently has been for the game's upcoming story mode, so there aren't many large changes to the battle system, but I have updated many sounds and visual effects for things, and fixed some bugs/issues, as well as some tiny changes to certain characters. [Keep reading for the full patch notes] [Patch notes are in numpad notation]

Speaking of story mode, I have around 9 chapters to finish coding and drawing for! So close! I have also been working on the game's final (secret) character and putting the finishing touches on the other 3 new characters as well. In the coming weeks, I will have a small announcement to make regarding the story mode update, so stay tuned to my social medias :) 

Here are some screenshots from story mode:

And here are the full patch notes for version

[New Features]

-Added a way to view the arcade leaderboard from the Extras menu.

-Updated the application's Icon.

-Added an option to turn damage numbers off.

-Added an option to decrease screenshake.

-Added an option to make the training mode dummy do superjumps/shorthops/homingjumps, under the "stance" setting.

-Added an option to make the training mode dummy use defensive burst.

-A new stage!

-A new song for that stage!

[Bug Fixes]

-Fixed a graphical bug that caused the meter number graphic to sometimes be stuck at 3 even when you have 4 bars of meter.

-Fixed a bug that caused Setsuna's ultra (214D) to play a sound that was louder than normal in some cases.

-Fixed a bug that caused health to sometimes rapidly flicker between two values in training mode, when the setting for health was set to 30%

-Fixed an issue where the frame advantage displayed when data display is on in training mode for some attacks was incorrect if the move had shortened or extended recovery. (not fixed for every move yet)

-Fixed an issue where Crow's shock state wouldn't apply in future rounds, if it was still active when transitioning between rounds.

-Fixed an issue that caused clashes to happen when they shouldn't.

-Fixed an issue that prevented instant-blocks from happening, if a second one was input within a few frames of the first.

-Fixed an issue where the round and difficulty settings wouldn't return to what they should be if you quit from the pause menu during survival mode.

-Fixed a bug that caused [2]8x (down to up) charge attacks to not come out if you input the button press during the single frame where there is a transition between the jump startup state and the jump state.

-Fixed a rare issue with combo trials, where attacks that can be preformed in both the air and on the ground, and don't cancel their animations upon landing, wouldn't advance the trial if you landed before hitting the opponent.

-Fixed an issue with Rain's 63214x projectiles, where they wouldn't stop moving while the game was paused.

[Balance Changes]


-Slightly edited Robin's character select portrait.

-Reduced startup on Robin's 6[C], and made it an overhead, instead of unblockable.


-Reduced hitstop on Setsuna's 236x.


-V's j.2C will now cancel it's animation when it hits the ground, instead of completing it like normal.

-Changed V's movement during his j.2C.

-V's j.2C now causes a wallstick.

-Reduced the amount of active frames V's j.2C has.

-Reduced the hitstun on V's j.2C.


-Ares' [4]6C now reflects projectiles.

-Greatly reduced guardstun on Ares' [4]6x.


-Increased damage on Clay's 5B, 214x>A, and the enhanced version of 22x.


-Rain's 236x projectile now has a secondary animation for when it hits the other player.

-Changed the shape of Rain's 63214C projectiles.

-Rain's 63214A/B now only spawns one larger projectile, the A version is fast, the B version lingers for a while before moving.

-Reduced recovery frames on Rain's 63214A/B.

-Rain's 4C and 6C are now "trap" projectile attacks, which slightly affects their properties, and prevents them from spawning beyond the stage walls.


-Increased the amount of active frames that Basil's 236x has. (+1)


-Leaf's 236x now auto corrects direction if you cross under during its startup.


-Setsuna+'s coin level no longer decreases when using her 236x.


-Reduced the harshness of damage scaling in speed mode very slightly.

-Adjusted various hitfreeze values across most characters.

-Increased the time in which you can successfully parry an attack by one frame.

-Adjusted how friction and gravity are applied to assist attacks.

-Adjusted vertical speed values for some assists.

-A new sound now plays when an assist is called.

-A new sound now plays when you land from a jump.

-Changed the sound that plays when superjumping/shorthopping/homingjumping.

-Added a new visual effect for superjumping/shorthopping/homingjumping.

-Added a new visual effect for when an instant block happens.

-A new sound now plays when an instant block happens.

-Made instant blocks easier to do.

-Changed the sound that plays when a clash happens.

-Replaced the visual effect that plays when an EX attack is activated.

-Replaced the visual effect that plays when a guard cancel is activated.

-extended invincibility on guard cancels till after the last active frame.

-Replaced the visual effect that plays when a clash happens.

-Replaced the visual effect that plays when a counterhit happens.

-Meter values are now shown when data display is on in training mode.

-Hurtboxes now turn white when a character has invincibility frames when hitbox display is on in training mode.

-Taught CPU controlled characters how to anti-air with specific attacks.

-Taught CPU Opponents how to effectively use fireballs and other long reaching or forward moving attacks when far away from the other player.

-Adjusted the timing for when CPU controlled characters attempt a throw.

-Recoded the hitbox collision system, to account for times when attacks should trade instead of clash.

-The boss characters in arcade mode no longer have assists.

-Changed the win quote font, and adjusted the spacing of ui elements on the win screen.

-Adjusted the "OLD" and "OLD+ARCADE" screen filters.


Heatwave 37 MB
95 days ago

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